

Prevention Of
Sexual Harassment

Get your

SkillUp for Business:
POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment)

Ensure POSH Compliance with Our Proven Training Solutions

The hassle free, cost-e ffective way to avoid penalties and be compliant!

(Used by top organisations, including Microsoft)



Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013

posh act

The POSH Act in India:  Non-compliance can lead to a fine of ₹50,000. You also run the risk of losing your business licence for repeat offences.

POSH training is key to ensuring compliance with the POSH Act. If your organisation employs ten or more people, you have a mandatory responsibility to comply with POSH legislation..

POSH Training for Your Employees & Internal Committee

Our POSH courses have been specifically designed by our subject matter expert to help organizations become POSH compliant.

POSH: Employee Training

Online Self-Paced | Certificate of Completion

Educate your employees on their POSH responsibilities quickly and easily with our tailored online training.

Build employee awareness of:

  • How to recognize sexual harassment at work
  • Employee rights and procedures
  • How sexual harassment can be prevented
  • How to report sexual harassment
  • The effects and repercussions of sexual harassment
  • Every individual’s role in creating an equal, safe, and dignified work environment
  • Icon Done TickKnowledge Checks
  • Icon Done TickCourse Status Report
  • Icon Done TickComprehensive Final Assessment

POSH: Internal Committee Training

Online vILT or In-Person Classroom | Certificate of Completion

Upskill your Internal Committee members so they can manage your POSH compliance effectively to meet regulatory requirements.

Training for Internal Committee members covering:

  • The POSH Act
  • Terminology and definitions
  • Internal Committee formation, roles, responsibilities, and management
  • The complaints process and record keeping
  • Annual reporting and documentation
  • The challenges of POSH training
  • How to deliver effective POSH training
  • Icon Done TickReal Case Studies
  • Icon Done TickRole Play
  • Icon Done TickFAQs
  • Icon Done TickQuiz

SkillUp’s Easy-To-Access POSH Employee Training

We know that compliant, quick & easy-to-access POSH employee training is KEY to saving time and hassle.

  • Icon Easy List
    Online Training

    Convenient with instant access

  • Icon Easy List
    Trusted by Top Organisations

    Including Microsoft

  • Icon Easy List
    Fully Scalable

    Train from 10-50,000+ employees in a day

  • Icon Easy List
    Completion Report

    Track progress with detailed reports

  • Icon Easy List
    Accessible & Compliant

    Meets compliance requirements

  • Icon Easy List
    Supports Diversity

    Available in multiple languages

Fully Compliant POSH Training

Designed by our highly qualified industry specialist

Mamta Sahai

Mamta Sahai

Subject Matter Expert & Coach

Mamta Sahai is an experienced social worker, trainer, thought leader, and influencer in India’s POSH space.

For 20 years she has championed issues related to women and children and is a current member of several organizational ICC Committees in both the private and public sectors. In 2000, she founded her own NGO, Savera Social Welfare Society, which actively works for the empowerment of women and children.


Book a Chat with Our POSH Expert

We’d love to help your organisation achieve POSH compliance. Please provide your details and
our POSH training expert will contact you within one working day.

How Can We Help?

The best way to get the training your organisation needs is to a arrange a chat with our POSH expert. However, please let us know if there are any other POSH requirements you need help with.

SkillUp... Driven by Innovation

SkillUp is determined to help organisations close their skill gaps with a technically innovative and human-centered approach to learning. In India, we have successfully delivered tens of thousands of compliance training sessions, helping multiple organisations enhance their compliance and workplace culture.

Across the globe, we are a renowned name in providing training tailored to specific needs. Our customers are forging successful outcomes through a reskilled workforce that’s future-ready. And we can do that for your organisation too.


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